Tuesday Tips

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Where have I been?!

Good Sunday Morning Lovelies!!

       I have been a bit MIA. I apologize for that. We as a family have gone through quite a year in 2016!! To say the least, 2016 was like a trip to OZ! Lol!! I may share more of what we went through, only because I know there are people out there going through similar or even worse and it's comforting to talk it out with someone who's been there. I will say though, it's true.. BETTER things were meant to be, things will get better, God has a plan, what is meant to be will be... At the time, you don't/can't hear it. HOWEVER, at some point, the winds calm, the clouds part and the sun does come back!!

      Fast forward to 2017, we were blessed to be able to buy our first home!! It's got its quirks.. lol BUT they're OURS! :0) We looked at 70 something nightmares.. with and without our agent.. who happens to be a long time friend. We even had 1 under agreement, who pulled out 1 week before closing and didn't even notify us! We only found out because our Bank contacted them with forms that needed to be signed and recieved a return email from a secretary that they filed papers and pulled the deal?!?! The selling agent refused to speak to our bank, agent, us.. FREAKING NIGHTMARE!
That was after waiting almost 2 months.. giving our notice to our apartment complex, informing the schools that we were taking the girls out.. getting them enrolled at another.. AND, the house we ended up buying was in another city.. we were TRULY blessed with OUR HOUSE, Neighborhood, schools... UGH! So fortunate! We really ended up where we belong!

    Going through all of this stress takes a toll.. Mentally, Physically, Emotionally. Everything seemed to be falling apart. My poor Hubby was working his nuggets off, My kids didn't want to leave, I had a hard time finding up... I ended up dealing with health issues for myself and my youngest. It was not easy!!

    So BELIEVE that what ever it is that you may be going through right now, it WILL be ok. There is better coming your way. Just keep getting back up and working hard with a purpose.

     I will be back to posting on a regular and look forward to sharing more with you! As always, if you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to email me. Hope you're all well!

                                                      Happy Crafting!!
                                                            Jen ;0)